More Proverbs

39. The road to hell is paved with good intentions

What you want or intend to do doesn't matter. Your actions matter. Simply wanting to do the right thing isn't enough; you have to actually do the right thing.
(39th day of our mission)

38. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. kids are like their parents; a chip off the old block; like father, like son. I looked at the father, then at the son, and I thought, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
(38th day of our mission)

37. Strike while the iron is hot

Strike while the iron is hot
When you have a good opportunity, go for it. Don't wait for too long.
(37th day of our mission)

40. The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach

The survey explores the role that food plays in love. And while it confirms the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, this is true only for a slight majority of men. What's surprising is that nearly half of women indicated that food is the way to their hearts.
(40th day of our mission.)

36. Still waters run deep

Still waters run deep
People who don't talk a lot sometimes have really interesting thoughts
(36th day of our mission)

35. Slow and steady wins the race

Slow and steady wins the race.
You shouldn't use all of your energy at the beginning of a project. Work slowly so that you won't run out of energy quickly.
(35th day of our mission)

34. Rome wasn't built in a day

"Rome wasn't built in a day" is an adage attesting to the need for time to create great things.Nothing of importance can be done in a short period of time.
(34th day of our mission)

33. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
When people get power, they always do mean, dishonest things. We shouldn't allow anyone to have too much power.
(33rd day of our mission)

32. Never put off till (until) tomorrow what you can do today

Never put off till (until) tomorrow what you can do today.
Don't be lazy. If you have some work that you need to do, do it now. Don't wait to do it later.
(32nd day of our mission)

31. Misery loves company

Misery loves company
People who are unhappy want to make other people unhappy too
(31st day of our mission)

30. Measure twice, cut once

Measure twice, cut once.
Once you've made some decisions, it's hard to change it. Think carefully before making a decision.
(30th day of our mission)

29. Look before you leap

Look before you leap.
Make decisions carefully. Don't make a decision without thinking about it and researching it carefully.
(29th day of our mission)

28. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas

Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas" has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack. The Latin has been unreliably attributed to Seneca, but not linked to any specific work. The quote has a large almost universally agreed meaning of "You should be cautious of the company you keep.
(28th day of our mission)

27. Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power
You should try to learn a lot. Knowing more things makes you more powerful.
(27th day of our mission)

26. Jack of all trades, master of none

Jack of all trades, master of none
Someone who is good at a lot of different skills is usually not very good at any of them.
(26th day of our mission)

25. It's not over 'till the fat lady sings

It's not over 'till the fat lady sings.
Say this in a competition or game. When other people think that the result has already been decided, but you're not ready to admit that it's finished, use this phrase
(25th day of our mission)

24. It's no use crying over spilled milk

It's no use crying over spilled milk
If you break something, lose money, etc., don't get too upset about it. It's already happened, so getting upset isn't useful.
(24th day of our mission)

23. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem
Don't just complain about problems that you see. Do something to solve the problems.
You will be not a fair, You will be one part of them Problem and Solution.
23th day of our mission

22. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
Don't say mean things about other people.
Don't any word if your word will be useless, keep silent and stay away.
22th day of our mission.

21. If you snooze, you lose

If you snooze, you lose
You have to act quickly to get the things you want.
Don't give it up. Do what your are doing, continuous what you are working on event it's difficult or danger. Don't stop, continuous. You must can do it.
21th day of our mission.

20. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
Don't spend a lot of time wishing for things. Wishes are useless. Instead of wishing, you should work hard to achieve your goals.
Don't wait for a wish or bless. they never come for waiting people.
But start to do what you want you will get what you expect.
20th day of our mission.

19. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again
Keep working hard and trying to succeed, even if you fail at first.
You will can do it. and your success will be the great, powerful and meaning full for your life. another people will be proud of you.
19th day of our mission

18. Hindsight is 20/20

It's easy to know what you should have done in the past, but making correct decisions is harder in the moment. This phrase means that you shouldn't judge someone's past decisions based on the information you know now.

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